Feedback for Branch CMS. Help us create better tools for managing your website.
Under review

Be able to create a Navigation Item when creating a page.

Matt Robitaille 12 year бұрын 0

When a page is created (maybe other pieces of content as well), being able to add a Nav point at the same time that you're creating a page would be convenient and could streamline the process for us when developing sites.


Add support for Redactor RTE

Jeremy Hamel 12 year бұрын updated by Eric - Branch CMS 12 year бұрын 2

Though I have never used this, I believe from everything I have read on it, that it would be a major upgrade over TinyMCE and fckEditor. I believe the admin speed would also increase as the total weight of the editor is only 45kb. The features I would like to personally see implemented as a part of this:

Ability to customize what controls are presented when an editor is loaded. Example: most of the time, I don't want me clients to have the ability to change font color, change font sizes, adjust justification, etc. I want them to have RTE for bold, italic, adding images, links, and adjust between headers/paragraphs/blockquotes. I believe adding this, with setting up site-wide settings and allowing overrides (for app RTE attributes, page content layouts, etc.).

This would also allow click-to-edit ability: or even the air mode:

It also has built in auto save functionality and supports HTML5.

Finally, this works iOS and Android 4 so editing the site on tablets and phones would be possible.


Integrate with Facebook Graph API

Jeremy Hamel 12 year бұрын updated by Eric - Branch CMS 12 year бұрын 2

Using this would go beyond just being able to push updates (which would be nice as well).

Basically, the ability to connect to your fan page and post status (whether alone or based on content creation in Aptuitiv), creating Facebook Events when calendar events are created, photo galleries are duplicated on facebook when uploaded via the gallery, etc.

I can see a lot of cool uses for this.


Integrate HootSuite so that content could be pushed out to social networks

Eric - Branch CMS 12 year бұрын жаңартылды 9 year бұрын 0
Under review

Ability to "turn off" main content block in template

Richard 12 year бұрын 2

There is currently no option to not use the "Main" Content Block in templates. It would be very useful to have the ability to NOT use the "Main" Content Block IF another content block is selected in its place. We have many occasions where we require one content block in a page but want to add a unique Content Layout to it which is not accessible to Content Snippets or other Content Blocks

Eric - Branch CMS 12 year бұрын

Not a bad idea, but might be a little while before we can get to it.


Add microdata attributes through the TinyMCE editor

Eric - Branch CMS 12 year бұрын 0

Add ability to add microdata attributes to elements. Like the Insert / Edit Attributes pop-up. Don't want to have to edit the HTML all the time.

Under review

add Jcrop to image upload attributes

Jeremy Hamel 12 year бұрын updated by Eric - Branch CMS 12 year бұрын 1

Using the size contraints setup when creating image attributes, it would be great to allow clients to actually be able to resize normal dimension images directly in the software, rather than requiring them to have access to some sort of image editing software.

Basic croping could be enabled by default if no dimensions are given, but if height/width constraints are added, aspect ratio and maxSize settings come into play


Change all content template/file browser editors to monospace fonts.

Matt Robitaille 12 year бұрын 0

Ideally, font-family: Menlo, monospace;

It's easier for those using these editors to read monospace code.


Alt Tag Attribute on Image Sets

Cameron Cox 12 year бұрын 0

We need to have the ability to add an Alt Tag to images in an Image Set, like you can in an Image Upload field. Currently there is no way to add an Alt Tag so it is badly affecting SEO.


Design new CSS3 buttons for the admin interface.

Stephen Gilbert 12 year бұрын 0