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Email admin when subscriber signs up from website

Richard il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Eric - Branch CMS il y a 12 ans 1

Default Form Templates

Jeremy Hamel il y a 9 ans mis à jour par Eric - Branch CMS il y a 9 ans 0
One of the issues I get from a few of my clients is they want the ability to create their own forms but it usually involved me interceding for them. When a new form is created, there should be a default template already created for the form so that something will at least show on the site.

To take it one step further, under site settings, I think there should be a place to create a default template that will get applied to all new forms. This will provide the ability for me, as web developer, to maintain default form styling, by having a consistent formatting for all forms, while allow the client to create new forms on the fly. To clarify, the default form template would be copied to the new form and create a default template. That we, minor tweaks can also be made as the form requires it.
I'd be happy to share a few different default templates if desired.

Email Auto-Tumbnails

Wesley Hamel il y a 12 ans 0

When you create an email campaign, it auto generates an nice looking image thumbnail so you can visually see what campaigns look like (instead of a drop down) More visual in every way so our customers can understand it better as well.


Add publish status to Pages

Eric - Branch CMS il y a 12 ans 0

We have a client who like to run competitions and give away hockey tickets etc. What I would wish for is the ability to set a time limit on the published status of a page (like blog articles) under the page properties and then have a redirect page to go to outside of that time e.g: Competition page is named something like “/competition” and then there’s a separate page called “/competition-closed” that contains info like “Thanks for your interest in this competition but it has now closed” which is redirected to.

À l'étude

Tracking the number of emails that went to spam folders

Ebb Walton il y a 9 ans mis à jour par Eric - Branch CMS il y a 9 ans 1
I think it would be helpful to have a feature for the campaigns app that allows us to track the number of emails that went to prospects spam folders (much like MailChimp).
À l'étude

Limit the count on a loop without creating a variable

Stephen Gilbert il y a 12 ans 2

A way to output a select amount of items in a loop without having to create an additional variable.
{loop items="#categories" value="category" limit="3"}

This would be useful on blogs when only wanting to list one category, or gallery sites where the first few images have large images.


Campaigns - Plain Text Template

Richard il y a 12 ans 3

Give the ability to use a plain text version of email campaigns.

À l'étude

add fields to this product list so that I can see what classes a product is assigned

Cindy Foster il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Eric - Branch CMS il y a 12 ans 1

It would allow the customer to easily see if they have overlooked the correct assignation of shipping and tax, for example, without opening every single item.